XTrends is the industry standard in ratings analysis software. Every major group uses XTrends, most of them group-wide, including iHeartMedia, Audacy, Hubbard, Cumulus, Beasley, Urban One, Univision Radio, Bonneville and Alpha Media.

As radio’s favorite ratings analysis tool, ONLY XTrends:
  • Has a simple, clean interface that makes it easy to truly see your data

  • Allows you to change criteria and even the format of your report on-the-fly – no reloading!

  • Provides good-looking, polished reports (including charts) suitable for any presentation

  • Has XNotes, our exclusive way to annotate your ratings with the events that impacted them

    • Note format changes, promotions, branding tweaks

    • Share XNotes with other XTrends users

    • Be reminded of needle-moving actions & events while reviewing your ratings

  • Can create multi-market reports

  • Provides both trending and ranking charts to easily see what’s happening

  • Has a “Grid of Pain” module to help plot your station’s growth